Prayer Shawl Ministry


The Prayer Shawl ministry seeks to demonstrate Christian love in a tangible way by presenting shawls, coverlets, blankets and other crocheted or knitted items to members of the congregation and the community. This ministry seeks to reach out to the shut-ins, the elderly and the chronically ill. Gifts are also prepared for newlywed couples, new mothers and college students.

Our projects have been a blessing to the recipients, but we have also come to realize how we are blessed by contributing our time, talents and resources to blessing others! This is a great opportunity to get involved in a ministry that seeks to love others in response to the love of Christ.

Basic Info

Our group meets periodically. Please contact Mardy Rogers for the time of our next meeting. This ministry is open to anyone who crochets, knits or would like to learn! Those in attendance typically bring their current crochet or knit project. A typical meeting features a time of loving work, discussion of ministry goals and, of course, Christian fellowship.

Prayers are said for the recipient of each item as it is being created.

Contact – Mardy Rogers

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13

Photos from Recent Activities

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