Directions to Norwin Alliance

Going West on Rt. 30, turn left at the traffic light into Norwin Hills Shopping Center using the left turn lane. Drive through the shopping center and turn right on Barnes Lake Road. Go about two miles (through two 4-way stops) and turn right onto Farview Drive. The church is 1/4 mile on the right.
Going East on Rt. 30 (coming from Pittsburgh) turn right at the light at Lenhart's Service Station. (This is the second light past Norwin Towne Square.) Go to the next traffic light and turn left onto Clay Pike. Continue 1.6 miles and turn left at the top of the hill (Lutheran Church of Our Savior is across the street) onto Farview Drive. Norwin Alliance Church will be 1/4 mile on the left.
From the Turnpike - we are located off Exit 67. Stay to the left after the toll-booth and follow directions for Rt. 30 West. Going west on Rt. 30, turn left at the traffic light into Norwin Hills Shopping Center using the left turn lane. Drive through the shopping center and turn right on Barnes Lake Road. Go about two miles (through two 4-way stops) and turn right onto Farview Drive. The church is 1/4 mile on the right.